Rasa Malaysia is Innity’s Website of the Month!
Recipes anyone? :)
If you’re a food enthusiast looking to try out some Asian recipes for yourself, then keep on reading! Even if you’re not, you might find yourself wanting to test out some of the recipes after checking out this site ;) After all, they are guaranteed easy ;)

Our Website of the Month is none other than Rasa Malaysia, a food blog featuring over 650 easy recipes, ranging from Chinese, Malaysian, Japanese, to Thai, Vietnamese, Indian cuisines. Since its launch in 2006, Rasa Malaysia has climbed up the rankings to being one of the top food blogs in the world, and we are greatly honored to have this opportunity to a chat with the owner about her website.
Name: Low Bee Yinn, nickname: Bee
Position: President & CEO
Site: http://rasamalaysia.com/
1) Can you tell us a little about how Rasa Malaysia got started?
Rasa Malaysia started in 2006. I am based in the US and I’ve always missed Malaysian food, especially my family’s foods. I wanted to document my family’s recipes as well as sharing my passion about Malaysian food to the US audience, so the idea of Rasa Malaysia was conceived and eventually it became one of the biggest recipes blog in the world.
2) How are you different from the other food sites out there?
Rasa Malaysia offers easy, tried, tested recipes that work, and my recipes are mostly original recipes that span from Malaysian, Chinese, baking, to other Southeast Asian cuisines, etc. I am able to simplify and demystify Asian cooking for my American and world audience who are not familiar with Asian food, and actually encourage them to step outside of their comfort zone and try cooking something “exotic.” Many readers stick around because my recipes have changed their dining tables forever, for the better.
3) What are the main challenges faced by you in this highly dynamic online media ecosystem?
New and emerging technologies, social media, and advertising landscapes mean that I have to be always on top of everything.
4)What’s your best tip to the new publishers out there?
Content is KING. Produce the best content and readers will come. And be patient, good things don’t happen overnight.
5) What role does Innity play in your business and how has it helped?
Innity has been a great partner because I am now able to monetize my Malaysian traffic effectively, as well as my Asian traffic. It also helps diversify my income so I am not just counting on my US traffic to pull in my monthly revenue. It’s really sweet!
6) If your website had a superhero mascot, what would you call it and what powers would it have?
I wish to have a superhero mascot called Queen Bee. Queen Bee would have an huge army of worker bees working for her, doing everything from recipe development, R&D, shopping, cooking, styling, photography, PR, social media, accounting, compliance, monetization, web development, etc. The reality is there is no Queen Bee and I am doing everything myself. ;)