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近年来,最炙手可热的营销手法是数码营销(Digital Marketing),他在商业环境大行其道也迅速成长,尤其在新一代数码消费者与日俱增的情况下,象征着数码营销将会是营销界的未来,也是现今总多品牌营销者非常关注的一环。然而数码营销的范围很广大,里头包含了不同的营销手法比如大数据营销,内容营销,社群营销等等。

此次,我们的首席执行员,彭子亮先生被邀请参与由星洲网主办的亚洲数码营销论坛,于本月8日在The Place @ One City隆重举行,并在内容营销分享会里作为一名主持人与数位在数码营销领域数一数二的品牌领导人包括陈莉珍,林慧君和梁凯智一同探讨内容营销这个课题。


  • 内容营销其实不是在这几年内开始被运用,早在很久以前就开始有企业商家使用该手法。Innity首席执行员彭子亮表示《米其林指南》就是最好的例子,他们在早期就开始出版食宿和旅游指南书刊,改变大众旅游的模式,鼓励大众自行驾车而不是搭火车旅行。因此买车的人增加,这无形中提升他们本行轮胎的生意。所以内容营销在百年前就被使用,而这方式现用于线上更为便利。
  • 内容营销之所以能成为现今具有影响力的营销手法,台湾圣洋科技技术长梁凯智指出原因不外是它打破时间与空间的限制,能把品牌讯息更快速,更便利地传达给用户,也改变了品牌和用户的关系,从单向传播的方式转为双向互动交流,让用户能表达自己对品牌宣传活动的喜好、感受以及体会。
  • 传统线下营销与线上内容营销各占优势与劣势,传统线下营销在面对客户的情绪更能妥当处理和控制,面对面的互动能避免较多的误会。然而,线上内容营销较能放大产品影响力,介于受众群范围广,因而能更快增加品牌认知度。
  • 对于内容营销,很多人有一种概念就是内容为王,可这里的几位品牌领导人都各有见解。世华多媒体星洲网络内容总监陈莉珍表示内容还是最重要,内容一定要有创意以及创新,才能赢得关注。谷歌(Google)合作伙伴关系主任林慧君则表示:“Content is king, but context is god”,这意味着渠道和平台更重要,若你有很好的内容可是没有很好地运用渠道或平台也无济于事。总结来说,内容要有质量,并用对的渠道传播出去才能获得大量关注。
  • 网红是近年来火速流行的一种内容营销手法。品牌营销者可运用网红的力量,提升品牌的认知度。不管是知名度高的网红还是一般的大妈也有他们的影响力。网络上甚至有一个案例是品牌老板自身当网红宣传自己的品牌,这样不只省钱省时,还能详细地把自身品牌的优点表达出去。这不妨是一个很好的营销手法。
  • 如果用对了方式,内容营销可以成为一种强大的营销工具,反之则会有反效果。作为品牌营销者必须避免运用内容营销太过火,不只是容易让受众感到不够亲切也会增加反感度,因此企业品牌必须多加注意以及拿捏好内容营销的技巧。除此之外,许多企业商家不太了解自己的品牌定位,导致盲目跟从竞争对手所使用的营销手法,往往结果适得其反,大大影响品牌形象。


We are proud that Innity CEO, Mr Phang was invited to moderate the content marketing panel at the recent Asian Digital Marketing Forum by Sinchew this year.

Here are some key takeaways of the content marketing panel:

  • Content marketing has been around even before we realize it was content marketing. And one good example is by a well-known brand called Michelin. They came up with The Michelin Guide where it provided guides to travelers on food and travel spots. They encouraged people to have a road trips instead of  taking public transport. This could indirectly increase the sales of Michelin tires as more people started to drive.
  • Content marketing is so powerful because it involves two-way communication between brands and audience where the audience is able to give instant feedback for brands to improve their products and services.
  • Influencer marketing is trending nowadays. Brands are rushing to build relationships with industry experts — who have a loyal community, authority and the personality to influence other people. Once you establish strong relationships with influencers, it could help you in acquiring new customers. Brands could consider engaging with Youtubers, micro influencers or bloggers to promote their products and services to increase brand awareness. One of the best suggestions was to become an influencer of own brand. As you know your products or services better than anyone else, it’s easier for you to point out all the benefits of own brand to your target audience. At the same time, brands would know their audience well to know what kind of content is best suited for them.
  • Brands have to be careful while using content marketing for branding purpose. One of the big no-nos is that brands have to be clear on their brand positioning and what they stand for and not simply follow the trends that are not relevant with their image.