Smart Marketing
Hewlett Packard
The leader in printers adds value to the web by making social media “printable” – the “Print the Web” campaign
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NikeiD & Nike+
Building community and passion through engagement with design and running communities.
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“I’m a Mac, I’m a PC” advertising campaign, in particular use of synchronized banners which “spoke” to each other.
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US Army
The US Army creates a video game “America’s Army,” a valuable tool for creating positive awareness about the Army to young Americans during an unpopular war.
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Burger King
The king of all viral hits, the Subservient Chicken campaign, where a person in a chicken costume will do whatever you ask it to. A sly nod to the Burger King “Have it Your Way” slogan.
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A sleek yet entirely useful corporate website driven by smart media buys, with interactive games, custom design of your Mini, and a “carfun” footprint calculator – all reflecting the Mini philosophy and image of fun.
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Obama Campaign
Barack Obama’s online political campaign engages voters with layers of messaging by leveraging email, texts, search ads, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, LinkedIn, Youtube and many more outlets. The results – the most money ever raised – speak for themselves.
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American Express
creates a community for its core business customers and turns a corporate website into an ongoing media annuity.
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