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It’s here! Announcing our new and refreshed website – Meet Innity

We’d like to officially announce that our new website is up and live! Yes, it is finally here! Our new website provides a clear message of who we are and, what we provide for both advertisers and publishers to reach the right audience while gaining real engagement.

What’s new in our website?

You’ll notice the new and refreshed design of our website features a more modern and user-friendly design with brighter colours, bigger fonts and better typography. We have redesigned it and improved the structure of our content by simplifying the menu and navigation, building a fully responsive layout while providing you with a better and easier way to learn about our products and services.

We’ve added in a whole new range of content, consisting of our Platform and Technologies that provides you with an overview of the various solutions by Innity. Apart from that, we’ve also added in the Publisher Ad Stack that guides Publishers through the services that we offer, especially on website monetization, along with an option to join us as one of our Publishers. What’s more — now, you can browse through our different types of creative ad formats from Showcase.

We’re so proud of it and would love to share our excitement with you! Click on to check out our long-awaited new website!