Introducing the newly created Innity Universal Tag
If you’re one of our publishers, read on! :)
Innity is introducing the newly created Universal Tag – an easy to use standard approach for delivering the ad tags, a tool for improving the overall performance of publishing ads across the web.
The Universal Tag is specially created for Innity customized ad tags to be generated in a consistent and easier way. So instead of generating codes for individual ad formats, publishers now only need to generate one universal code for all Innity’s propriety ad formats.
The formats involved are Innity’s propriety ads such as Site Take Over, Balloon, and Bottoms Up.
What are the benefits?
• Easy to handle – Less hassle of dealing with various tags. Everything can be effortlessly managed in Advenue.
• Time-saving – By using only one tag, there will be fewer scripts, thus, speeding up the loading process.
Step 1:
• 1. Go to Manage Ad
• 2. Select ‘Create New Zone’
Step 2:
• 1. Create Name of Ad Zone
• 2. Select ‘Universal Tag’
• 3. Save & Generate Code
Step 3:
• 1. Tick your desired ad formats
• 2. Save & Generate Code
Step 4:
• 1. Copy and Paste the code on your site
We’ve tried our best to make this switch as seamless as possible for you. If you have any further questions, drop us a line at