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Introducing Our Latest Products – Mobile Spin and Responsive Billboard


Mobile Spin is an overlay ad with a spinnable display that resembles a disc. Think of it as the circle of engagement!



How it works: 

Users can play around with the ad by spinning the “disc” to look into the ad teasers. For a more detailed ad, just tap on the ad! It’ll expand and automatically reveal a set of cards with additional information on the product/brand. The cards can be swiped from left to right and vice versa and closed by the user.


Responsive Billboard is an update to the desktop version our previous ad format, Billboard. Now that it has been upgraded and updated, it enables advertisers to target desktop, tablet and mobile users through a single ad unit and uniform creative messaging.



How it works: 

It’s simple! A full ad will be shown with a ‘skip’ function on the top of the ad.


Check out the demo by clicking on the picture to experience it yourself!

Do get in touch with us at to find out more!