Innity Gives Back: Bringing Joy to All at IQ70Plus Centre
One of the most magical things about Christmas is the joy and laughter that surrounds the celebration. This year, in the spirit of Christmas, Innity Malaysia once again visited IQ70Plus to bring the festive joy and cheer to over 40 individuals at the centre. On top of fulfilling the Christmas wish list of the residents with gifts of water bottles, school bags, stationeries, and game sets, Innity also bought a range of daily necessity items to help ease the centre’s monthly burden. Christmas certainly reminds us to put someone else’s happiness above our own. And the smiles of everyone there surely made our Christmas! Innity’s CSR program aims to help the less fortunate and marginalised individuals and we’d like to thank IQ70Plus for the opportunity to be part of such a meaningful mission.

Join us to make a difference to the lives to the individuals at IQ70plus. You can also donate to them or contact them to find out more about their cause.