Shoppable Ads Brands Can Explore to Increase Sales
With brick and mortar stores affected during the pandemic, brands need to adapt to the needs of their customers by creating an online shopping experience instead. Given the change of consumer behavior and shopping patterns, retailers will be challenged to adapt to the situation as they transition to ecommerce. Even post-covid, as people fear catching the virus and avoid big crowds, we’re seeing how businesses can sustain their revenue stream by having their products and services easily accessible to shoppers on a digital platform.
To reach a wider audience and catch their attention, our team designed creative and interactive ad executions to help you gain brand awareness and drive customers to your online store.
This is the ad that will make you want to show off your products. With powerful visuals and interactive content, boost your brand and attract a wider audience to hit that “shop now” button.
Benefits of 3D Post
- Responsive to mobile and desktop
- Native ads format
- 3X improvement in CTR compared to other display benchmarks
- Leverage on premium media audience targeting capabilities – gain more consumer intention instead of only user attention from social media ads.
Swipe to reveal multiple products with different variations to increase your sales. Get creative with sequential storytelling or add a surprise waiting for your audience on the last card.
Mobile Cards appear at the bottom of the page as a deck, users can swipe to
reveal the sequence of images or videos.
Benefits of Mobile Cards
- CPM buying model
- Overlay ad format with high CTR
- Allows brands to include more information about the products and services and drive to multiple landing pages for each cards
- Identify the consumers’ level of interest per product variant through the average time spent on each card
- Leverage on premium audience targeting capabilities
#user-interaction #viewability #sequential story-telling
Give your customers a taste of your products to entice them to go to your website and make the purchase.
Mobile Engage is a full page unit which appears when users pull/swipe/tap the invitation banner. It can support various types of interactive functionalities.
Benefits of Mobile Engage Pull 2
- Cost Per Engagement buying model
- A full-screen canvas appears once the ad expands to utilize the space creatively and allows for more brand exposure
- Increases the interest of consumers to view more products through a glimpse of the website
- Avoids accidental clicks to track genuine interest
#genuine-engagement #full-screen canvas #high-impact
Get creative in showcasing what your brand has to offer through powerful visuals and engaging functionalities.
Want to get started?
Feel free to contact us at for more information about these high impact ads and how you can start running them in no time. Lastly, do browse our range of ad formats here too!