[Innity Insights] Micro-Influencers
Brands using celebrities to promote their products or services is hardly new. For the longest time, influencer marketing was usually only accessible to large brands with big marketing budgets by engaging celebrities but, not anymore. Meet the new kid on the block: Micro-Influencers They build their followings around niches like travel, fashion, beauty and photography, …
Presenting Innity’s Top Creatives in September
There’s a saying that goes like this, “it’s either you go big or go home”, which we believe, is pretty true. As an advertiser, you gotta do whatever you can to create brand awareness (the right way!). Rich media formats allow advertisers to create unique banners that are more engaging compared to a standard format, …
Introducing Our Latest Product – Mobile Scroll
MOBILE SCROLL It is an in-line ad unit that appears in between contents of a page. Users are encouraged to scroll up in order to experience the ad format fully! Highlights: #in-scroll #visibility #high-impact How it works The ad unit allows 2 to 3 frames change which is totally controlled by the user. The first …
A Publisher Workshop: Monetizing Your Site with Effective Strategies
We know that having access to powerful technologies combined with the latest knowledge to enhance the site revenues for publishers are crucial, as the ad revenues are decreasing due to the rise of ad blockers. So, what’s the most effective way for a publisher to stay profitable? Hence, we have gathered our team to organize …
Here are Innity’s Top Creatives in August
Here’s another round of creative ads we created for our clients in August that’s worth a shout out! Click in to view the ads in action! Manhattan Fish Market – Greatest Hits, Lightbox, Malaysia Manhattan Fish Market utilized our Lightbox ad unit to creatively run an exciting mini game. Users could submit the score on Facebook and …
[Innity Insights] Generation Z
They have entered into the consumer world unknowingly while most of us are so focused on getting the attention from Millennials. Their online attitudes and habits are a little different compared to the others – providing a unique challenge in the digital industry. Meet Generation Z. Born between 1995 up to 2010. A mobile-first generation; …
Innity Singapore moves into a brand new office!
A quick update from our Singapore team. The team has recently shifted and is currently located at an awesome new place! Here’s a sneak peek of the cozy new office. We’re loving the modern artisanal and industrial yet homey touches! And we hear more sofas and bean bags are on its way to the office …
[Innity Insights] Are you doing online video marketing right?
In the present day, content only succeeds if it conveys what consumers want, and when and how they want it. As we are living in a fast-paced world, marketers need to constantly find ways to keep up with the changing landscape. Over the past few years, video has rapidly grown and dominated the audience’s online …
[Event] Innity Tw雲講堂活動_RTB 2.0:Header bidding 的時代來臨
RTB 2.0:Header bidding 的時代來臨 你知道沒有Header Bidding 的 RTB 讓你白白損失多少嗎? 近年來數位廣告總是強調即時競價RTB(Real Time Bidding),但是你知道現行的RTB,其實並不是真正公平的即時競價嗎?若即時競價並非真正公平進行時,你知道這會讓你損失多少嗎? 在東南亞各國經營近二十年、並接軌國際最新數位廣告技術的Innity,將透過八月的雲講堂告訴你,國外已經施行多年的Header Bidding 如何在東南亞數位廣告圈有效改善這種窘境,達到真正的即時競價,創造媒體主跟廣告主雙贏的局面。 活動詳情: 時間:8月31日(四)下午14:00-15:30 地點:三創數位生活園區 Clapper Theater 5F 地址:台北市中正區市民大道三段2號5樓 有興趣參加此次活動? 報名連結:https://goo.gl/s3ZyVq (名額有限,別錯失良機) Innity 馬來西亞上市公司,成立於1999年,為東南亞重要的網路廣告技術服務商,已在亞太區12個國家設立據點,服務超過10,000個網站。透過自有廣告平台與數據管理系統,提供客戶最全面的服務。
Innity 獲 Google AMP 認證,Mobile Ads全面投放無死角
Innity 獲 Google AMP 認證,Mobile Ads全面投放無死角 Google AMP 最新一波的公告名單中,Innity已率先獲得Google AMP 規範認證,即日起合作夥伴的廣告,都可以投放到採用 AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages Project,行動網頁加速計劃)的網站上。至於已經完成、或是將要完成行動網頁加速的媒體,也能透過 Inntiy 的平台,順利出售廣告版位。Innity繼擁有IAB(Interactive Advertising Bureau,互動廣告協會)驗證後,又再一次搶先業界跟上國際驗證的腳步,提供客戶與合作夥伴最好的技術服務。 Google 大力推廣的 AMP 行動網頁加速計劃,能大幅加快用戶在行動裝置上開啟網站的速度,大幅提昇使用經驗。在行動第一的時代,很多讀者、消費者瀏覽網頁的行為,都在行動電話、平板電腦等行動裝置上完成。如果網頁開啟的速度太慢,用戶通常會失去耐性,按下「上一頁」,改往另一個網站。也因此,不少具規模的網路媒體,紛紛採用 AMP 加速方案,提高網頁開啟的速度。 AMP 行動網頁加速計劃是開放源程式碼,網頁必須依照這個規範建置。從另一個角度來看,所有呈現在 AMP 網站行動版頁面上的元素,都必須符合 AMP 的規範,否則無法相容。其中當然包括廣告。也就是說,如果廣告平台不支援 AMP 的話,該平台的廣告將無法投放到行動裝置上。對廣告主來說,無法觸及行動裝置用戶;媒體商也損失大批行動裝置的流量變現。因此擁有AMP驗證的廣告技術服務,會是現今最重要的課題。 Innity深知客戶與合作夥伴的需求,率先通過Google AMP 規範認證,並完成 AMP 鍵接技術審核,讓所有已達到 IAB 標準的廣告格式與版位,都能符合行動網頁加速的規範。除了Google AMP驗證外,Innity同時也擁有 IAB的技術認證,提供客戶與合作夥伴最真實最有效的廣告數據。期待藉由與國際組織的多方認證,讓合作夥伴能獲得最新的廣告技術,與世界同步接軌。