Influencer Spotlight: Their Journey and Tips On Being The Philippines’ In-demand Influencers

Becoming an influencer or an on-the-rise content creator doesn’t happen overnight. It takes months, sometimes even years of constant content creation that is unique and is able to cater to a specific audience. One must have passion, determination, and commitment to really establish one’s voice and personal branding. What better way to learn this than by listening to some of the leading influencers of today? Here are 4 content creators to share their journey, insights, and tips on becoming an influencer.

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5 Reasons Why Brands Need To Partner With Mom Content Creators Now

With the new surge of incoming first-time moms being millennials, they are all very social media savvy. In fact, there is currently a rise of mom content creators. They are great at connecting with their followers and being able to produce quality and engaging content. These moms also know their way around various platforms, particularly on Instagram, and a few even having their own blogs.

This means that moms are also becoming more and more tech savvy. Read more to know why brands need to partner with mom content creators now.

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The End of Third-Party Cookies Jumpstarts the Comeback of Contextual Targeting

Goodbye, third-party cookies. As Google announces the removal of third-party cookies from its Chrome browser, digital advertisers are challenged to address the changes they have to adopt and innovate their advertising approach to effectively reach their consumers online. In recent years, issues on privacy, fraudulent and intrusive ads, and the need to comply with IAB …

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